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Affaldsindsamling i forbindelse med World Cleanup Day
20. september 2020 kl 10:00 - 12:00
Vi prøver igen. Vi mødes kl 10:00 ved den gamle legeplads overfor Dalvej 5. Der vil blive udleveret poser til at samle skrald i. Vi opfordrer folk til selv at medbringe handsker og/eller gribetænger til selve affalds opsamlingen.
MVH Trædballe Grundejerforening
In English
We will try again with this arrangement. Earlier closed due to COVID19. This arrangement regards collecting garbage in the neighborhood, to keep it clean. This is in connection with the global arrangement World Cleanup Day. We will meet up at the old playground at Dalvej 5 at 10:00 AM. We will hand out bags for garbage. Please bring your own gloves and/or reaching grabber.
BR Trædballe Grundejerforening