The consultation period for the local plan for Vardevej 151


This is just a follow-up to when the consultation period for local plan for Vardevej 151 begins.

The consultation period lasts 8 weeks, so there is plenty of time to send a comment to the plan. The local plan must be considered by the finance committee and the city council prior to the consultation process is set in motion. The consultation period is expected to start in mid-March at the earliest. The Homeowners' association will receive a consultation letter when this period starts.

The Landowners' association has not yet received a consultation letter from the municipality. We will give notice here and on the website when we receive a response from the municipality. If you have further questions, you are welcome to either write a comment on Facebook (, or send a mail to

Trædballe Landowners' association

Bygge projektet ved Vardevej, Borgvej og Dalvej


Her er en opdatering taget fra vores Facebook side:

Tirsdag den 9. februar havde Teknisk Udvalg sagen om Vardevej 151 på dagsordenen. På trods af indsigelser og 162 underskrifter indstiller Teknik- og Miljødirektøren Michael Sloth, at det vedtages i byrådet. Det bliver meget spændende.
Sagens videre forløb: Sagen skal behandles af Økonomiudvalget og byrådet.
Teknik- og Miljødirektøren indstiller at udvalget anbefaler over for byrådet, at forslag til lokalplan nr. 1319 og tillæg nr. 70 til Kommuneplan 2017-2029 vedtages og offentliggøres i 8 uger.…

I går blev forslaget til ændring af lokalplanen behandlet i Teknisk Udvalg. Så nu kommer det meget snart i 8 ugers høring.
Anbefalet, med bemærkning om at udvalget ønskede at der er taghældning på rækkehusene.
Svend Erik Nielsen tog forbehold.
Morten Kristensen var fraværende.

Læs referatet her:…
Læs mere her om selve processen i en lokalplan:…/20180921_hvad-er-en-lokalplan…

Affaldsindsamling 2021

Her er lidt information om den tidligere og næste affaldsindsamling fra Danmarks Naturfredningsforening:

Affald smidt i naturen er trist. Det ødelægger vores naturoplevelserer skadeligt for miljøet og indeholder værdifulde ressourcer, vi kunne have brugt igen.

Hvert år deltager tusindvis af danskere i Affaldsindsamlingen. I 2020 deltog omkring 150.000 i en fælles indsats for en renere og smukkere natur og et bedre miljø – det er vi både beærede og stolte over.

Den 17.-18. april sætter vi igen fokus på vores natur og miljø med AFFALDSINDSAMLINGEN 2021.

Vi håber, I har lyst til at være med til at gøre en kæmpe forskel!

Det er gratis at deltage.

Trædballe Landowners' association

Information from Vejle Municipality about additional soil filled on areas for Ny Rosborg. Nordholmen and Trædballe Banke.

Below you will find information that we have received from Vejle Municipality about soil filling for Ny Rosborg. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us by email, and we will collect questions and answers and publish them here on the page and on our Facebook page .

Trædballe Landowners' association

World Clean-up day

After the waste collection, the nature became about 25 kg incl. a floor lamp prettier. Remember not to litter when you go for a walk in the beautiful nature.
Trædballe Landowners' association

Website update and event

We are currently updating the website with English translations for all the points.

In addition, tomorrow we have World Clean-up day, where we meet at the old playground opposite Dalvej 5 at 10:00 tomorrow. Link to event

Tour of new locations for Hyttebyen for Ny Rosborg


Together with the municipality and other interested parties, we have been on a trip in the area on 20/8, where we have been shown possible locations for where Hyttebyen could be located. We have send a prioritized location list. When something more concrete comes up in the process, we will let you know

Trædballe Landowners' association

Waste collection on Saturday


The waste collection on Saturday has unfortunately been canceled. More information under the tab "Events" or HERE.

We have updated our links to other pages with what is happening for Ny Rosborg and to the Local Plan for the area.


Trædballe Landowners' association


On this page the board will continuously inform about life in the association, events and other relevant information. You are welcome to send comments and ideas to our mail address,

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